
20 December 2020: SolitaireCG 3.4.1
  1. Optimized Curl cache warm-up to be several magnitudes faster; Don't popup download requesters for webpage components that have no valid mime type and aren't the main url itself.
  2. @ United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Terms and Conditions of Use Privacy Notice.
  3. Explore Deloitte’s 2020 outlook on federal banking regulations and how the industry is responding to compliance in banking.

This release adds support for screen shots and metadata for theF-Droid app store. No new features were added to the SolitaireCGapp.

VMware is the global leader in virtualization software, providing desktop and server virtualization products for virtual infrastructure solutions.

Aenderungen 2021

Changes include:
  • Upgrade to gradle 5.4.1 build process
  • Add Fastlane file structure for F-Droid app store
  • Update README to place most relevant information at top

This release reduces the background dimming when displaying the 'YouWin' message which improves the visibility of the game timer andautomatic card replay.
Changes include:
  • Reduce background dimming when displaying You Win message
  • Fix You Win message does not always display on some devices
  • Initialise text color to white
Thanks goes to Rudy Sudrich for these enhancements.
26 September 2020: SolitaireCG No Longer Available at Play Store

On September 16, 2020 Google suspended SolitaireCG citingnon-compliance with their 'Repetitive Content Policy.'
This means that SolitaireCG is no longer available from the Playstore.
To install SolitaireCG see Download page.

This release makes the upper right hand suit in large card art morevisible.Aenderungen
Changes include:
  • Fix help file hyperlinks and add back-to-top links
  • Improve visibility of suits for landscape orientation large card art
  • Migrate source code from ant to gradle build process
A big thanks goes to Rudy Sudrich for making this release a reality.Of particular note is his work to improve the visibility of the largecard art option.
This release adds a French translation and updates the Finnishtranslation.
Changes include:Aenderungen
  • Add French translation
  • Update Finnish translation
Thanks to Xin for providing a French (fr) translation.
Thanks to Jack Phoenix for providing an updated Finnish (fi)translation.
22 August 2017: SolitaireCG Web Site Migrated to HTTPS

The SolitaireCG web site has been migrated to HTTPS.
The migration was made possible by SourceForgeproviding HTTPS support for project web sites.
The new web site link is:
The old web site link http://solitairecg.sourceforge.netshould automatically redirect to the new web site link.

This release adds a lock landscape orientation option that will forcethe game to remain in landscape mode.
Changes include:
  • Add lock landscape orientation option
  • Update Esperanto, Finnish, German, and Polish translations
The following ticket was addressed with this release:
  • Ticket #19 Orientation woes
    Thanks to JonnyTech for this enhancement request.
Thanks to Verdulo for providing updated Esperanto (eo) and Polish(pl) translations.
Thanks to Olli B. for providing an updated German (de)translation.
This release fixes a regression introduced in 3.0 that preventedpickup of two or more cards at the same time in Forty Thieves when atleast one tableau or stack was empty.
Changes include:

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  • Fix forty thieves logic for single step move of a valid card sequence
Thanks to Evan Wong for reporting the Forty Thieves card pickupregression.