Gato Encerrado

  1. Gato Encerrado Peru
GatoGato encerrado meaning

Encerrado translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'encerado',encerradero',encerador',encuerado', examples, definition, conjugation. Haber gato encerrado translate: smell a rat. Learn more in the Cambridge Spanish-English Dictionary. Jan 05, 2016 Origin of the Expression “Hay gato encerrado”: This idiom might top the list of the best non-intuitive expressions of all time. Logic would dictate that a reference of a “locked up cat” might be allusive to some terrible smell, but the history is really much different, and to understand the origin, we need to go back to the 16th.

Gato Encerrado Peru

Aquí no haygato encerrado.
There are no tricks or pitfalls.
[...] un presidente en funciones gana todos los escaños en su Parlamento, cabe suponer que con toda probabilidad haygato encerrado.
Madam President, when a sitting president wins all the seats in his Parliament, we can probably assume that something is amiss.
[...] negocios, haygato encerrado.
[...] and business, there is a catch.
No haygato encerrado
No tricks or pitfalls
Habíagato encerrado-y eso es lo [...]
que lamentan mis colegas españoles -: cada país negociaba de nuevo sus propias excepciones
y, como dependía del Consejo de Ministros, uno podía continuar usando las centrales contaminantes hasta el día del juicio final sin realizar las adaptaciones técnicas.
The snag - and my fellow Spanish MEPs [...]
regret this - was that each country managed to negotiate their own exceptions, and
if it was up to the Court of Ministers, we would be using old and polluting power stations not updated with state-of-the-art technology ad infinitum .
Da exactamente igual si ha sido elgato encerradode las garantías de los depósitos bancarios, [...] [...]
minimalistas de los Bancos Centrales.
[...] discredited itself to an almost unprecedented extent, whether in the shady business of guaranteeing [...]
bank deposits,
the bank rescue or the minimalistic acts of the central banks.
Este trazo magistral alivia la tensión de la congregación que diestramente capta en esta frase: 'Sabía que habíagato encerrado.
This masterstroke relieves the tension in the congregation which he deftly captures in his phrase, 'I knew there would be a catch to it.
No tenemosgato encerradoy simplemente estamos [...]
tratando de mejorar el mundo a través de nuestras tarjetas para elevar la conciencia universal.
We have no hidden agendasand are simply trying [...]
to make the world a better place with the use of our cards to raise awareness.
Cuidado, porque los duros a cuatro pesetas no existen, y si se lo
[...] ofrecen, haygato encerrado.
Be careful, because the four pesetas hard not exist, and if
[...] offered, there is something fishy.
[...] buen conocimiento de las redes y saben bien que, cuando se presentan cifras increíbles, muy superiores a las de las otras enseñas, aquí haygato encerrado.
They also have good knowledge of the networks and when incredible figures are presented, much higher than those given by other brands, they smell a rat.
Sabía que habíagato encerrado.¿Quién puede hacer todo lo que él manda?
Oh, sure, I knew there would be a catch to it, who can keep all of his commands?
Supongamos a ungato encerradoen una caja que [...]
contiene un dispositivo que debe matarlo tan pronto que empieza la desintegración de un núcleo radiactivo.
Suppose a cat who is in a box containing a [...]
device that kills it, as soon as disintegration of a radioactive nucleus begins.
[...] que produce desconfianza en la muchacha y en la señora, lo que las mueve a investigar quégatohayencerradoen él.
But he brings a piece of luggage that the two ladies find suspicious, which moves them to investigate its contents.
Elgatoya no estáencerrado.
The cat is out of the bag.
¿Le gustaría estarencerradoen un departamento [...]
de 8 de la mañana a 8 de la noche con agua sólo de la taza del inodoro para mantenerse?
[...] like to be locked up in an apartment from [...]
8am to 8pm with only water from the toilet bowl to sustain you?
Generalmente, se encuentraencerradopor un revestimiento [...]
The pus is commonly enclosed by a lining or membrane [...]
[...] saber quedabaencerradoen las universidades [...]
y el desarrollo del conocimiento no se preocupaba mucho de las necesidades de las empresas.
[...] knowledge remains locked up in universities [...]
and the development of new knowledge takes too little account of the needs of business.
En cada una de las jaulas figuraba el nombre, medio de comunicación al que pertenece y los motivos del encarcelamiento de cada periodistaencerrado.
Each cage bore the name of a jailed journalist, the media outlet they worked for, the sentence they were serving and the reason for their imprisonment.
[...] miembro se mantieneencerradoen las murallas [...]
de su soberanía nacional e impedimos la acción conjunta efectiva.
Each Member State stands rooted on the ramparts [...]
of its national sovereignty and we prevent effective joint action.
[...] de telefonía móvil podrían haber seguido fabricando teléfonos con sus propios sistemas diferentes, pero eso les habríaencerradoen un mercado limitado'.
All the mobile phone companies could have continued making phones with their own different systems, but there would have been a limited market for them.
[...] [...] en una cuerda continua o un hilo de elastómer, o de otro material que estaencerradoen un canal especial entre las capas interconectadas de las paredes de la manguera.
Packing consists of a continuous cord or strand of elastomer, or other material which is locked into a special channel between the interlocked hose wall layers.
[...] el delincuenteencerradose convierta [...]
en un pecador arrepentido.
[...] become a repentant sinner in prison.
Y el otro dijo: ' Si pues pobre hombre porque en verdad no es un rey, él es solo un
[...] hombre comúnencerradoen un manicomio.
And another said: ' Yes, poor man, because in truth, he is not a king, but
[...] only a simple man locked in a mental hospital.
desplazado el centro de nuestra atención
[...] de un tesoro preciosoencerradoen las páginas del Evangelio, [...]
The search for wellbeing at all costs has moved the
[...] [...] the precious treasure enclosed within the pages of the [...]
Gospel, which is the greatness of poverty.
[...] también el Sr. Prodi se hallaraencerradoen su propia fortaleza.
It looks as though he too has been imprisoned in his own fortress.
[...] pieles de perro y degatono etiquetadas [...]
y de productos que las contienen.
Evidence exists of the presence in the Community of
[...] nonlabelled fur from cats and dogs and of [...]
[...] prepare al perro o algatopara la llegada de [...]
un bebé antes del nacimiento.
[...] begin preparing your cat or dog for a new baby [...]
before the baby comes home.
[...] parece estar cubierto por una máscara con bigotes degato.
The face is apparently covered by a be-whiskered mask.
Este punto es a la vez original y capital: original pues no estáencerradoen ningún escenario, toma en cuenta en cada etapa las realidades científicas e industriales e inicia un circulo sistémico virtuoso al servició del número más grande, capital porque contiene probablemente la clave de la confianza razonada a largo plazo.
This idea is both original and fundamental: original because it is not entrapped by any scenario, it takes account at each stage the scientific and industrial realities, and sets up a virtuous feedback loop for the service of the greatest number; fundamental because probably it contains the key to long-term informed confidence.